Author Archives: Marilyn

Getting Ready for Fall 2013

Would you like to know more about the character of God? His names are one of the important ways through which He reveals to us Who He is and what He does. Our “We Study Together” fall series will begin on Friday, September 13, 2013 and continue for 11 weeks. The study guides for this…Continue Reading

Lesson 9 – Intro – August 9 – 16 – The Courage to Make a Decision

Confidence, “a feeling of assurance or certainty, especially concerning oneself”, is a very important personal characteristic. We all need to have that kind of internal strength in order to make good decisions, to trust our instincts, to set boundaries, and to be independent individuals. It is possible, however, to have an excessive amount of confidence…Continue Reading

Sharing an Insight – Lesson 8

Have you ever had the best of intentions and been completely misunderstood? It’s a hard place to be. You know why you said what you said or did what you did, but your motives were not clear to others. So, who is responsible to start the peace process? Who should be willing to start the…Continue Reading

Sharing An Insight – Lesson 7

Why is it that the final 5% or 2% of a project is often the hardest to complete and sometimes left undone? Joshua reminded some of the tribes that they could have more territory if they would continue to trust God and drive out the final few Canaanites, but for some reason they didn’t do…Continue Reading

Lesson 7 – Intro – July 26 – Aug. 2 – The Courage to Finish Well

What are the dynamics that make some people so agreeable, positive, and respected as they age while others become more difficult, cantankerous and disagreeable in their later years? There are undoubtedly many contributing factors and some of them are beyond anyone’s control. Physical health certainly makes a huge difference for those who are blessed with…Continue Reading

Sharing an Insight – Lesson 6

Joshua made some mistakes, didn’t he? He wasn’t perfect, but he is remembered to this day because he “left nothing undone of all that the Lord commanded him to do”. He conquered the entire land – one enemy, one king, one community at a time. He kept on going day after day, year after year,…Continue Reading

Sharing An Insight – Lesson 5

Obedience brings blessings. Disobedience brings disaster. It’s so simple, isn’t it? Moses explained it so clearly to the Israelites just before his death – Deuteronomy 27 and 28. Then Joshua repeated it after the amazing victory at Ai. Jesus said it to His disciples just before He went to the cross – John 14: 15…Continue Reading