Did you know that the Hebrew letters – Y – H – V – H – are actually word pictures that silently express the eternal purposes of Jehovah? The Y is called Yod and represents “hand”. The V is for Vav (sometimes W) represents “nail”. The H is the letter Hei and actually means “behold”.* It’s amazing to me that even as God gave this “Memorial Name” to Moses so that he would have the courage to lead the Jewish nation out from their bondage in Egypt, so God also gave His people the name that would prepare them for the coming of His Son, Jesus. Far greater is the redemption that He came to offer through His suffering, death and resurrection -freedom from the bondage of sin and death. “LORD, I Lift Your Name on High. LORD, I Want to Sing Your Praises” – with my voice and with my life – every day.
* Information from “Indeed”, Walk Thru the Bible, 2002