Author Archives: Marilyn

Sharing An Insight – Lesson 9 – Hebrews

In personal relationships, there are times when a friend can explain the details of why something happened as it did in a more effective way than you can do for yourself. Your friend can “intercede” for you and clear up questions and misunderstandings that would be difficult for you to accomplish on your own. Isn’t…Continue Reading

Sharing An Insight – Lesson 8 – James

In your view, does healing mean that someone is restored to their previous state of health and well-being or does it mean something else?  Rather recently someone shared with me the idea that real healing is never simply going back to what was, but rather moving forward into a new set of realities – physically,…Continue Reading

Sharing An Insight – Lesson 7

When we call a young child “strong willed”, it is not necessarily a complimentary description, is it?  They are usually quite independent, determined, and focused on the things that they want.  Following the wisdom of their parents or considering the welfare of others is not easy for them.  The problem lies in the fact that…Continue Reading

Sharing an Insight – Lesson 6

It is quite easy to grasp the need to “pray with thanksgiving, with perseverance and hope, and with expectation and humility.”  After all we’re asking God to do what He has promised to do for all those who put their faith in Him.  But why does Paul suggest that He “prays with joy”?  What makes…Continue Reading