Author Archives: Marilyn


Have you been around a newborn baby recently? If that little one was your own child or your grandchild, you probably just wanted to sit and rock him or her, studying every feature of that tiny face and soft skin, marveling in the miracle of the birth of this new little person. The reality is…Continue Reading

A Gift Idea

Looking for a very special little book?  One that will give you a word of hope each day? Take a look at the brand new daily devotional based on the Psalms, The Songs of JESUS, written by Timothy Keller, pastor of Redeemer Presbyterian Church in New York City.  The Psalm is printed right there in…Continue Reading


Experiencing God through the Psalms To View or Print Study Guides There are seasons in life when we feel quite content and satisfied. It feels like things are going well. There’s prosperity and peace, a bright future and hope. At times like this, it is easy to join in and sing praises to the LORD,…Continue Reading

Looking Ahead . . .

“PRAISE, PETITIONS and PROMISES” Perhaps the most beloved book in the Bible is The Book of Psalms.  In our new winter study, we’ll be taking a deeper look at some of these ancient songs of praise and find new understanding and appreciation for the God who loves us so intensely and who understands us so completely.…Continue Reading

There is More to Come – An Insight from Lesson 9

Don’t you love the word “yet”?  There is more to come.  The light at the end of the tunnel isn’t visible but it will be. There’s more to the story.  Because Jeremiah really believed the prophecies that he proclaimed about a coming Messiah (Jeremiah 23:5 – 6), he had hope. In the darkest of times,…Continue Reading