“You can trust Me, My child. I will not let you be disgraced or let your enemies be in charge of who you are. Give your life to Me and I will show you the right path and point out to you the best road for you to follow. Don’t try to deceive others or put your hope in other people or places because I, alone, am the One who is worthy of your total allegiance. I feel compassion for you and my love will always be without limits. I sent My Son, Jesus, so that your sins could be forgiven and My mercy would be visible to you. Are you willing to be humble, to listen to My voice, and to take seriously my words to you? Then you can count on My faithfulness and My never ending love to be yours – every day.” This is Psalm 25: 1 – 10 – rewritten in the first person, as if God was speaking these truths directly to me.
Just a few days ago my friend gave me an article about a new book called, Speak, Lord, written by Vic Black of the Navigators and available at Navpress.com. In this book, he recommends carefully reading a Psalm as if it written in the first person, by God Himself. I tried it this week and I like it. You might like it too!