Author Archives: Marilyn

Sharing An Insight – Lesson 4

Do you ever wonder what Rahab and her family were thinking and talking about during those 7 days when all of the people of Jericho knew that the Israelites were marching around the walls of their city? Was she worried and concerned that the promise of the spies might just have been idle words or…Continue Reading

Lesson 4 – Introduction – July 5 – 12 The Courage to Obey

The word “obey” automatically causes many people to cringe, to become defensive, or to even want to do the exact opposite. Would you agree that independent thinking, self-reliance, and individuality are qualities that are much more highly regarded in our society than compliance, submission, or even respect? Our rights and privileges often give us a…Continue Reading

Sharing An Insight – Lesson 2

Two nameless men with courage chose a place to stay where it seemed that their presence might not be noticed. Little did they know that not only was God directing their paths and watching over them, but He was accomplishing even greater purposes for His own glory. Through them, He was protecting a very unlikely…Continue Reading

Lesson 2 – Introduction – June 21-28 The Courage to Face Danger

            What is the most dangerous thing that you have done to save someone else’s life or further a worthy cause?  Most of us have not experienced anything that would be likely to result in imprisonment or death.  We are left to our imagination then when it comes to understanding the motivation, emotions, and purposeful…Continue Reading

Sharing an Insight – Lesson 1

Success! God actually wanted Joshua and the Israelites to be successful. He wanted them to move into that land that He had promised to Abraham so long ago. He wanted them to experience victory over the enemies that they would face. He wanted them to know beyond a shadow of a doubt that He would…Continue Reading

Why Study the Book of Joshua?

         If you could only have 3 or 4 books of the Old Testament to read, which ones do you think would be the most important? Many preachers agree that the Book of Joshua would certainly be one of those books. Chuck Swindoll says that “If you want to use a book in the Bible…Continue Reading