Author Archives: Marilyn

Lesson 5 – Intro – October 11 to 18 – EL OLAM

            Is there anything in your life that is permanent?  The dictionary says that permanent means “changeless, fixed, lasting or meant to last indefinitely; not expected to change in status, condition or place.”  We use this word loosely, don’t we?  We say that our address or job is permanent and what we mean is that,…Continue Reading

What are your thoughts? Lesson 4 – EL SHADDAI

           Did you happen to notice that 4 different names for God are used by the Psalmist in Psalm 91 – El Elyon, El Shaddai, YHWH, and Elohim?  As I re-wrote those first and last verses, the reality of the truths hidden in those names became more deeply impressed on my heart, as well as my…Continue Reading

Lesson 4 – Introduction – Oct. 4 – 11 EL SHADDAI

             Do you ever think about the superlative words that we tend to use in our every day vocabulary?  You can often hear people say words like perfect, unbelievable, magnificent, absolutely, flawless.  Most of us are tempted at times to exaggerate certain promises or descriptions by using the words “never” and “always”.  In our enthusiasm…Continue Reading

What are your thoughts? Lesson 3 – EL ELYON

         When David wrote Psalm 57, his life was in danger and his future seemed extremely grim and so he cried out to EL ELYON for mercy.  The level of his confidence that God not only could but that he would “fulfill His purpose for him” is amazing.  While there are no visible enemies pursuing…Continue Reading

Lesson 3 – Intro – Sept. 28-October 4 EL ELYON

            It was only a few decades ago when children called almost all adults and teachers by either their family name – Mr. or Mrs. Smith, for example, or by the title of their familial relationship, such as grandma or uncle Bob.  Even adults did not use someone else’s given/first name unless they had a…Continue Reading

What are your thoughts? Lesson 2 – ELOHIM

         When is the last time that you actually got “down on your knees” to pray in your own home or even in church?  Our posture communicates a great deal about our heart attitude and our feelings at any given time.  For centuries, churches provided a kneeling bench in front of each pew and throughout…Continue Reading

Lesson 2 – Intro – September 20 – 27 ELOHIM

            Wouldn’t you love to know more about what life was like in that garden before the serpent came and tempted Eve?  Was the interaction between Adam and Eve anything like life as we know it?  We know that they communicated through oral language because they heard God calling to them and they conversed with…Continue Reading

Sharing an Insight – Lesson 1

      It’s right there in the 10 commandments which God Himself gave to Moses so that the Israelites (and you and I) would have some clear guidelines for living life.  “Don’t misuse the name of the LORD your God”.  That idea seems so much broader in its implications than “take in vain”.  It’s much bigger…Continue Reading

Are you ready to begin this study?

“With all my heart I will praise You, O Lord my God.  I will give glory to your name forever, for Your love for me is very great.” In Hebrew this verse from Psalm 86: 12 – 13 reads “With all my heart I will praise You, O Adonai, my Elohim.”  I will give glory…Continue Reading