Category Archives: Lessons

Bible studies and lessons

WHAT’S THE BIG PICTURE? – Intro to Winter Study

Have you ever taken a helicopter ride over your home area?  It would certainly change your perspective on the setting and details of your neighborhood, wouldn’t it?   You would be able to see the amount of open space, the variety of roofs and garden areas, as well as the size of your own property compared…Continue Reading


How much time do you spend listening audibly to the voices of other people each day?  If you add up the minutes you listen to other people on the radio, TV, podcasts and any other media, along with your personal conversations, it just might surprise you.  Not all of our “listening”, however, comes through our…Continue Reading


How many questions do you think you ask in a day? Young children ask questions, lots of questions, don’t they? Some experts agree most 4 year old probably ask close to 450 questions a day. By the time they become teenagers, however, parents and teachers sometimes wish there would be more questions. Is is also…Continue Reading

THE COURAGE TO MAKE A DECISION – Introduction Lesson 9 – Nov. 11 – 18

Confidence, “a feeling of assurance or certainty, especially concerning oneself”, is a very important personal characteristic.   We all need to have that kind of internal strength in order to make good decisions, to trust our instincts, to set boundaries, and to be independent individuals.  It is possible, however, to have an excessive amount of confidence…Continue Reading

THE COURAGE TO FINISH WELL – Intro Lesson 7 – Oct. 28 – Nov. 4

What are the dynamics that make some people so agreeable, positive, and respected as they age while others become more difficult, cantankerous and disagreeable in their later years?   There are undoubtedly many contributing factors and some of them are beyond anyone’s control.  Physical health certainly makes a huge difference for those who are blessed with…Continue Reading

THE COURAGE TO OBEY – Intro Lesson 4 – Oct. 7 – 14

The word “obey” automatically causes many people to cringe, to become defensive, or to even want to do the exact opposite. Would you agree independent thinking, self-reliance, and individuality are qualities which are much more highly regarded in our society than compliance, submission, or even respect?  Our rights and privileges often give us a simple…Continue Reading