Author Archives: Marilyn

Sharing Some Thoughts – Lesson 10

Isn’t it interesting that the first believers in Jesus “became stronger because they lived in the fear of the Lord”?  Not only did that early church in Jerusalem grow in numbers, but very quickly those disciples took this “Good News” to neighboring towns and then to the Gentiles (people who were different from them).  It…Continue Reading

Sharing Some Thoughts – Lesson 9

My friend makes it a practice to mentally give thanks to God each night, before she drifts off to sleep, for 5 very specific things that she experienced during that day.  She has found that these thoughts help her to turn her heart to God so that the anxieties of life and the challenges that…Continue Reading

Sharing Some Thoughts – Lesson 8

Is there a day that goes by when you do not feel the need for more wisdom than you have on your own?  As long as you and I are in “that awkward period between birth and death” (unknown source), there will be constant reminders that our own resources and intelligence are inadequate.   Knowledge, experience,…Continue Reading

Insight from Solomon in Proverbs Lesson 8 – October 31 – November 7

Did your mom or dad have some wise old sayings, sometimes referred to as adages, that they would repeat to you under certain circumstances?  Perhaps you heard one of these from time to time.  “Beggars can’t be choosers.” “The squeaky wheel gets the grease.”  “A penny saved is a penny earned.”  Every language seems to…Continue Reading

Sharing Some Thoughts – Lesson 7

Every day I pray for my children and my grandchildren.   Do you?  I want them to love and to follow the Lord, to know His blessings and His forgiveness, to experience His peace and His joy.  How grateful I am that the Psalms reminded me this week that my children and the following generations will…Continue Reading

Sharing An Insight – Lesson 6

Does it surprise you to know that the concept of “fearing God” can be found in so many of the Old Testament stories?  The great leaders modeled what it meant when they demonstrated their desire to trust and follow Jehovah, their one and only God.  They taught the people that it was very important to…Continue Reading