Author Archives: Marilyn

Sharing An Insight – Lesson 1

A few decades ago young people in church were enthusiastically singing, “They’ll Know We Are Christians By Our Love, By Our Love”.  Will they?  Really?  They will know that we are kind and compassionate and that we are unusually unselfish and caring, but will they understand anything else?   Jesus always seemed to have the perfect…Continue Reading

The Good News – Intro Lesson 1 – January 9 – 16

Don’t you love to hear a friend cheerfully say to you, “I have some good news to tell you.”  It catches your attention.  Your curiosity ignites immediately.  There are times when it may be obvious to you why there is excitement or happiness in your friend’s voice.  On other occasions you might need to hear…Continue Reading


What would it take for you to actually sit down for one hour a week to explore what the Bible really says? You would have to make the decision to actually do it. You would need to choose what you wanted to study. You would want to find a time when there were very few…Continue Reading

A Springtime Opportunity for You

When you hear the words “Bible Study”, what thoughts come in to your mind? For many people, they immediately think about a class, a teacher, a lecture and perhaps some homework. For others, the idea of a booklet with questions, a discussion, and a commitment to meet together each week would be the immediate response.…Continue Reading

A Christmas Wish for You

May you find moments of deep joy as you celebrate the birth of Jesus! May you have hours of delight as you contemplate God’s love for you! May the Spirit of God rest upon you and give you peace and hope as you anticipate what God has prepared for you in the New Year! We look…Continue Reading


“In Christ all things are made new.” – II Corinthians 5: 17 To view or print study guides We like to get new things, don’t we?  It might be a new book or a new sweater.  It could be a new phone or tool or something for your home.  Usually new acquisitions bring us a…Continue Reading

Winter Bible Study

Topic:  WHAT’S NEW? –  Discovering the “Good News” found in the New Testament When:  Beginning, Friday, January 9, 2015 – Your invitation and details will be coming soon.Continue Reading


For beauty all around us laid – Sunshine bright and dappled shade For stars and moon which move on high – Creation’s splendor, feast to eye For towering mount and crashing shore – There is much to thank Him for! For friends and family so dear – Occasions of great joy and cheer For harvest…Continue Reading

Sharing Some Thoughts – Lesson 10

Isn’t it interesting that the first believers in Jesus “became stronger because they lived in the fear of the Lord”?  Not only did that early church in Jerusalem grow in numbers, but very quickly those disciples took this “Good News” to neighboring towns and then to the Gentiles (people who were different from them).  It…Continue Reading