Author Archives: Marilyn

A Summer Bible Study for YOU

Looking for a great new Bible study for yourself or for your small group for this Summer? You’ve come to the right place. Check out our new 6 week study called “Because of HIS Great LOVE” – a study focused on Ephesians. We’ll explore what it means to be ALIVE WITH CHRIST – both the…Continue Reading

Choosing My New Shoes – An insight for Lesson 3

It has been helpful for me to think about the idea of getting dressed.  I have the total freedom through the power of the Holy Spirit to “take off the old bedroom slippers” and put on the “new walking shoes”.  The problem is that sometimes the soft old slippers are comfortable. They’re accessible and convenient…Continue Reading

Experiencing Mercy – An Insight for Lesson 2

Mercy, mercy, mercy.  It is a great deal more than kindness, compassion, and forgiveness. It is more than leniency, forbearance, or charity.  It is all of those things combined shown to someone who in no way deserves it or will ever be able to repay it. In fact it is only mercy when these traits…Continue Reading