Author Archives: Marilyn

Experiencing Mercy – An Insight for Lesson 2

Mercy, mercy, mercy.  It is a great deal more than kindness, compassion, and forgiveness. It is more than leniency, forbearance, or charity.  It is all of those things combined shown to someone who in no way deserves it or will ever be able to repay it. In fact it is only mercy when these traits…Continue Reading

Who’s In Control? An Insight for Lesson 1

Can you say it any better than the translation found in THE MESSAGE – Romans 8: 12 – 15. “So, don’t you see that we don’t owe this old do-it-yourself life one red cent?  There’s nothing in it for us, nothing at all.  The best thing to do is give it a decent burial and…Continue Reading

Why Did You Do It?

Do you agree that “what we think determines how we behave”? Are your actions really the result of the things that you believe to be true or your circumstances? Is your mind the control center of what comes out of your mouth and how you act? Before you begin this new study, you might want…Continue Reading


What would it look like in your life to move from your old, natural ways of thinking to having “the mind of Christ”?  It’s a phrase that is both curious and intriguing at the same time, isn’t it?   You are invited to join us in our new 6 week Spring Bible study as we explore what…Continue Reading


Have you ever wondered what it means to “have the mind of Christ?”  It’s a curious and overwhelming idea. Our new 6 week Spring study will focus on finding out the answer to this question. It would be a great study for you to do on your own or with a few friends. Why not…Continue Reading

A New Song – An Insight for Lesson 10

In the last 24 hours we have talked to a good friend about her newly diagnosed cancer and received an e-mail from other friends whose 24 year old daughter was killed in a car crash just yesterday. Life is often hard and full of unexpected events. Add to those personal stories of grief and loss,…Continue Reading