Author Archives: Marilyn

Two Great Choices

Did I hear you say that you really wanted to study the Bible this fall?   Here are 2 really great choices –   1. In person  –   Twin Lakes Church in Aptos on Tuesday mornings at 9:15, starting September 13.   The study is called “Frameworks – How to Navigate the New Testament”.…Continue Reading


When you think about the words “time out”, what do you think about?  Vacation? Sports? Rest? It’s a brief period of time when someone who has been very active can slow down and be refreshed and renewed, so that the pace of their activities will once again be manageable.  Let me suggest that it is…Continue Reading


A study of the “Heroes of Faith” listed in Hebrews 11 To View or Print Study Guides The opportunities for high adventure and adrenaline producing experiences are long and varied these days, aren’t they? You can walk across bridges made of rope high up in the redwood trees, fly over valleys on a zip line, climb…Continue Reading

Your Best Definition

What is your best definition of “faith”? Is it the same as believing or trusting or is there something more to it?  Here’s one idea for you to ponder. “Faith is trusting in something or someone enough that it changes your actions.” You are invited to join us as we study the people in the…Continue Reading


What is faith? Where does it come from? What would it mean to really live out what you believe to be true about God and the adventure that He has in mind for you? You are invited to join us as we study the people that are commended for their walk of faith in Hebrews 11.…Continue Reading

Compatible or Not – An Insight for Lesson 4

Do you like the word “compatible”?  I do. It brings to mind other concepts like harmonious and well-matched. The dictionary says that it means “capable of living or performing in an agreeable or congenial combination with another or others”.  Perhaps that is the idea that Paul has in mind when he encourages the readers of…Continue Reading