Author Archives: Marilyn

In The Moment – Insight for Lesson 7

In the moment you and I choose the wrong option more often than we would like to admit, don’t we?  We say the unkind words, think the selfish ideas, act on our old desires, choose to yield to temptation, and forget that we really do have the option of “living in the Spirit.”  Because I…Continue Reading

Long Distance Vision – Insight for Lesson 6

Young children routinely need vision testing, don’t they?  There is no way that they can understand that they are not seeing clearly what others can see.  I remember going to the eye doctor as a little girl and discovering that with glasses I could read what the teacher wrote on the blackboard from the back…Continue Reading

God’s Radical Grace – Insight Lesson 5

You can’t really explain it any better than Paul did in Romans 5: 1 – 2                   “Since we have been acquitted and made right through faith, we are able to experience true and lasting peace with God through our Lord Jesus, the Anointed One, the Liberating King.  Jesus leads us into a place of…Continue Reading

100% Certainty? – Insight for Lesson 4

Do you think that faith means 100% certainly?  No doubts, no questions, no uncertainty?  Perhaps it is for some people, but for most of us this is a great working definition for the word faith.  “Faith is belief plus unbelief and the willingness to act on the belief part.”  (R. Pritchard)   As it says in…Continue Reading

Returning to Wonder and Awe – Insight for Lesson 3

Why is it that adults generally lose much of their spontaneous sense of wonder?  Their willingness to simply be amazed? Their God-given sense of awe or astonishment?  Is it their need to feel in control or their subtle desire to be viewed as mature?  Is it simply the “been there, done that” syndrome that causes…Continue Reading