Category Archives: Lessons

Bible studies and lessons

A TRUSTWORTHY SERVANT – Intro to Lesson 1 – September 15 – 22

Whether you are the employer or the employee, there is one characteristic that will greatly influence the long-term success or the failure of your organization or business. One expert has rightly said “this quality is the most valuable commodity in the workplace.” While having a good work ethic, being dependable, having a positive attitude and…Continue Reading

“Now is the Time . . .”

The study guides are ready for you to print out or to use online. The introductions will start arriving by e-mail on Friday, September 15 – if you have subscribed, You can choose when and where you will do the lesson week by week – at your convenience. There’s a double benefit when you find…Continue Reading


Have you been to a “Memorial Service” recently?  It is usually a special time when friends and family gather together to honor or to remember a family member or a friend and to bring solace to those who are grieving the loss in very deep and personal ways. For people of faith in Jesus Christ,…Continue Reading

A Bible Study for Ordinary People

Why is it that God often uses very ordinary, behind-the scenes, people to accomplish extraordinary tasks?   You will be greatly encouraged as you read the stories of some of these unsung heroes of faith in the Old Testament.   You will be inspired as you discover the significant impact that is made through individuals who choose to…Continue Reading

It’s Worth Reading –

Some of the most poignant writing that people do is often written in the final years of their life. It is frequently very reflective and introspective. It might be centered on cherished memories or relationships or on recalling special events or major turning points. There might be some advice or counsel or choice morsels of…Continue Reading

PICK UP YOUR BROOM – Intro to Lesson 5 – June 2 – 9

Attitude. Attitude. Attitude. We hear it all the time. In the classroom, at home, and on the job. The way people subtly communicate how they are feeling about themselves and their environment impacts not only their own relationships and productivity, but it affects everyone around them.  Charles Swindoll said: “Attitude, to me, is more important than the…Continue Reading

Whose Applause Do You Want? An Insight for Lesson 4

There’s one huge difference between “representing” a business, an organization, or simply a group of people and being a “representative” or “messenger” of Jesus. Can you think what it might be? Paul tells the Thessalonians that as a “messenger approved by God”, he is not looking for the applause or approval of men. His one…Continue Reading