Category Archives: Lessons

Bible studies and lessons

Returning to Wonder and Awe – Insight for Lesson 3

Why is it that adults generally lose much of their spontaneous sense of wonder?  Their willingness to simply be amazed? Their God-given sense of awe or astonishment?  Is it their need to feel in control or their subtle desire to be viewed as mature?  Is it simply the “been there, done that” syndrome that causes…Continue Reading

Ashamed or Embarrassed? – Insight for Lesson 1

Do you think that there is a difference between these 2 emotions?  Perhaps being ashamed is an internal struggle with feelings of shame, guilt, reluctance or inferiority, while embarrassment happens in a social setting when someone feels awkward, ill at ease, or overly self-conscious.  When it came to sharing the Good News that Christ had…Continue Reading


We are hoping that you are going to join us this winter and spring as “we study together” the amazing letter that is called ROMANS.  Did you realize that Marin Luther said, “It is worthy not only that every Christian should know it word for word, by heart, but also that he/she should be occupied…Continue Reading

Why Not Get a “Head Start”?

Did you know that it would probably take you less than one hour to read the entire letter that Paul wrote to the believers in Rome if you sat down and read it straight through?  Imagine the great “head start” that you would have if you chose to do that sometime in the next week before…Continue Reading


There is nothing quite like watching or experiencing the delivery of a newborn baby.  The anticipation that builds as the due date comes near.  The questions that arise as the labor begins.  The urgency and expectancy that fill the air as the mom tries to breathe deeply and to let the moments between the periods…Continue Reading