Author Archives: Marilyn

Joshua – His first 80 years

It is a rather startling fact to realize that Joshua was not a young man when he led his people into the Promised Land. In fact, he was probably in his early 80’s! He and Caleb were the only ones from their generation that were allowed to make the historic crossing from the wilderness where…Continue Reading

Something to Think About . . .

“There is no substitute for personally reading the scripture. Hearing the Word is beneficial, but reading the text for yourself, looking at the words, seeing the passage, observing the structure, feeling the narrative; this is so foundational to a life-long practice of absorbing the truth of God’s Word. Sermons will assist you in your growth.…Continue Reading

Getting a Head Start

Our new summer Bible study series, BE STRONG and VERY COURAGEOUS, will begin officially in just 18 days – June 14. You can join us in one of 2 ways: 1) By doing the study each week. Follow Joshua’s advice and “Do not let this Book of the Law depart from you, meditate on it…Continue Reading

Be Strong and Very Courageous

How do you handle life when feelings of inadequacy or uncertainty creep into your mind and spirit?  What do you do when you sense that you are incompetent or unqualified for the challenges that you have?  When the quiet voices on the inside or from the outside are telling you that you are too weak and inept to do what God is asking you to do, where do you go for help?Continue Reading

Sharing an Insight – Lesson 6

      To be comforted is to be put at ease, to be relieved of the pain, agitation, or stress that is causing discomfort.  That is why Peter wrote to these believers.  Yes, he wanted to instruct them on how to live, but it is his words of comfort and hope that would help them to…Continue Reading

Sharing An Insight – Lesson 5

       At the conclusion of a very helpful sermon about the relationship of faith and hope, John Piper prayed the following prayer.  It has been an encouragement to me and so I send it on to you.  “Lord Jesus, I believe in my heart that you were raised from the dead, and that this guarantees…Continue Reading

Sharing An Insight – Lesson 4 – Secure in HOPE

          What do you picture when you hear the word “secure”?  The first scene that comes to my mind is a sweet little baby, wrapped in a soft blanket, resting contentedly in the tender arms of his/her mother.  Perhaps you pictured a family safe in their underground shelter waiting for the tornado warnings to pass…Continue Reading

Lesson 4 – Intro – May 3 – May 10 Secure in HOPE

             What makes you feel safe and secure?  We have bank accounts, IRA’s, insurance policies, and retirement plans in the hopes that there will be enough money for our retirement years.   We have medical tests, pills, and regular checkups with doctors and dentists so that we can avoid at least some health problems and take…Continue Reading