Author Archives: Marilyn

Sharing an Insight – Lesson 6 – John 20

Shared experiences can be remembered in so many different ways.  One person might focus on the ambience and the setting where they were.  Another might talk about the topics of conversation that were most interesting to him/her.  Someone else might remember one or two specific incidents that occurred.  When John wrote about that first appearance…Continue Reading

Sharing an Insight – Lesson 4 – John 17

As Jesus lifted His eyes up to heaven and looked toward the face of His Father, the disciples must have been greatly moved by the intensity of His determination to complete the work that He had come to earth to do.  However, they surely were also overwhelmed with the reality of His love and desires for them. …Continue Reading

Sharing An Insight – Lesson 3 – John 16

“Believe – I want you to come to the place where you really get the truth of  what I have been telling you.”  And he didn’t mean just a passive acceptance or a slight nod of the head, but real heartfelt understanding that led to trust.   Believe!   It must have brought deep joy to Jesus…Continue Reading

Sharing An Insight – Lesson 2 – John 15

Lately I have thought a great deal about “change”.   It is inevitable, isn’t it?   Some changes we choose.  Some we expect simply because of age and expectations.   But many changes come unexpectedly – a phone call, a car crash, a doctor’s report, someone’s hidden agenda, or some sort of accident.   The consequences of these surprise…Continue Reading

Lesson 2 – Intro – March 28 – April 4 Final Words From Jesus

Do you know what a viticulturist does?  It is someone whose duties include everything related to the growing of grapes, from the controlling of pests and monitoring fruit development to vine pruning and harvesting.  Carefully pruned and tended vines which are planted in enriched soil are the only kind that will produce a satisfying quality…Continue Reading

Sharing An Insight – Lesson 1 – John 13 and 14

To hear the words, “I love you”, clearly expressed can mean so much in a relationship.  But, there is nothing that validates those words as truth more than an act of selfless service that is freely given without expectation of a return favor or compensation in any way. After Jesus washed His disciples feet, He…Continue Reading