Author Archives: Marilyn

Sharing An Insight – Lesson 1

Here is the prayer that is by my computer for this summer – “’Lord God, my Father, may my love grow more and more in wisdom and insight – so that I will be able to examine and determine the best from everything else.  And on the day of Your judgment, let me stand pure…Continue Reading

Scheduled or Spontaneous?

When it comes to making time for Bible study, there is no “one size fits all”, is there?  Some people need to look realistically at their schedules  and make a commitment to block out a regular and disciplined time for study each week.  Keeping those “appointments” diligently will enable them to accomplish their goals week…Continue Reading


What an amazing journey!  It all started because of a vision that Paul had one night when he saw a man standing and begging him to “Come over to Macedonia (presently called Greece) and help them.”  He and his traveling companions, Silas and Timothy, immediately concluded that they were to go and preach the good…Continue Reading

A Word of Encouragement

It really doesn’t matter whether it is the race that is long, the future that seems unsettled, or simply the uncertainties of life, we all need encouragement – that sense of affirmation, confidence or trust that comes through another person.  It lifts your spirit, energizes you, and renews your strength and courage, doesn’t it?   Sometimes it can…Continue Reading

Sharing An Insight – Lesson 8 – Acts 1 and 2

Waiting and wondering has always been a part of life for those who would follow Jesus.  Once again those disciples had to wait in Jerusalem for the coming of the Holy Spirit.  They certainly knew about Him, but little did they realize the enormous drama that would accompany His coming.  Then, just when Jerusalem was…Continue Reading

Sharing An Insight – Lesson 7 – John 21

What do you think flashed through Peter’s mind when Jesus called his name after serving the surprise breakfast on the beach to a group of the disciples?  Why would Jesus single him out?  His guilty conscience might have reminded him that he deserved a strong reprimand and a lecture or perhaps the consequences of His…Continue Reading