Author Archives: Marilyn

Sharing an Insight – Lesson 7

Anticipation is such a great thing – a trip, a visit, even a good meal or the completion of a job.  It’s defined as “enjoyment beforehand”.  It helps to keep us from boredom and dullness.  It can help to change lethargy to energy and indifference to alertness.  Paul strongly encouraged the believers in Philippi to…Continue Reading

Sharing An Insight – Lesson 6

When you get the same sermon at church that you are getting in your personal Bible study, the truths penetrate in significant way.  IT IS ALL ABOUT GRACE.  Did you happen to hear it on Sunday?  “Legalism drains my joy, leads to slavery “(addiction), and a third point could have been that it causes pride…Continue Reading

THE BIGGEST REASON TO REJOICE Lesson 6 – Introduction – July 18 – 25

Do you think there is a difference between happiness and joy?  What makes you happy?  What gives you joy?  Do you use the words interchangeably or do you make a distinction between the two of them in your mind and conversation?  Webster’s dictionary indicates that happiness is characterized by luck, good fortune or prosperity, while…Continue Reading

Sharing An Insight – Lesson 5

When you think of the word humble, what synonyms come to your mind?  There is an old fashioned one that is not considered very complimentary these days.  It is the word meek.  Jesus used that word in one of the beatitudes, didn’t He? “Blessed are the meek for they will inherit the earth” – Matthew…Continue Reading

Sharing An Insight – Lesson 4

Some days are just plain harder than other days.  It’s so easy to say, “Why me?” or “Why now?”  So I’ve been reminding myself this week to change the question just slightly but so significantly and ask “Why not me?” or “Why not now?”  I would recommend that you try it.  It’s a great way…Continue Reading

Sharing an Insight – Lesson 3

Memorial services always make an impact on my thinking and life.  Those moments of reflection usually cause me to consider not only the brevity of life, but the impact that all of us have on a variety of people.  Somehow, if the person is younger than I am (which has happened 2 times recently), it…Continue Reading