Author Archives: Marilyn

A Prayer for You –

Read it at least 3 times – silently, out loud and one more time! “Days pass and years vanish and we walk sightless among miracles. Lord, fill our eyes with seeing and our minds with knowing. Let there be moments when Your Presence, like lightning, illuminates the darkness in which we walk. Help us to…Continue Reading

A World of Superlatives

We live in a world of superlatives, don’t we? If you’re one of those few people who do not yield to using these extravagant kinds of words, you are to be commended. We go to “perfect weddings”. We eat “awesome” strawberries – once in a while. We hear “fabulous” music. Our children and grandchildren do…Continue Reading

Awestruck – By an Awesome God

To view or print study guides A study of the Biblical concept of what it means to “fear God” There’s something wonderful about being with young children at Disneyland or at the zoo or during the Christmas season. Wonder and awe.  Amazement and delight.  The great thing about little ones, though, is that they feel…Continue Reading

COMING SOON – "Awestruck- by an Awesome God"

This 11 week study is designed to help you understand what it means to “fear God”. By looking at how this phrase is used throughout the Bible and at the lives of those who were described as “God fearing”, you will be able to understand this concept in new ways. As your own sense of…Continue Reading

Sharing an Insight – Lesson 9

Dear Paul, Thank you for writing that letter to the people in Philippi and to me.  Thank you for being concerned about my “progress and joy in the faith”.   Your authentic life and words not only have encouraged me, but challenged me to “continue to work out the results of my salvation because I know…Continue Reading

Sharing an Insight – Lesson 8

The gift of life and the reality of death becomes clearer when you go to 2 memorial services within one week and one of the people is only 46 years old.  He had little warning – 1 short day in the hospital.  It could have been me and it could have been you – simply…Continue Reading

REMEMBER – Lesson 8 – Introduction August 1 – 8

Do you like to take those personality assessment tests?  You know, the ones that help you figure out if you are more of an introvert or an extrovert?  A  decisive planner or spontaneous and unpredictable?  The results can be helpful, but the thing that always surprises me is the amount of insight that these simple…Continue Reading

Sharing an Insight – Lesson 7

Anticipation is such a great thing – a trip, a visit, even a good meal or the completion of a job.  It’s defined as “enjoyment beforehand”.  It helps to keep us from boredom and dullness.  It can help to change lethargy to energy and indifference to alertness.  Paul strongly encouraged the believers in Philippi to…Continue Reading