Author Archives: Marilyn

The New Mind – Intro Lesson 7 – February 20 – 27

How would you explain the difference between your brain and your mind?  While the two words are sometimes used interchangeably, there are some very obvious differences.  Your brain is a tangible and visible part of your central nervous system.  It is the control center for all the vital functions of the body.  While some experts…Continue Reading

Sharing An Insight – Lesson 6

Old habits are like part of our DNA, aren’t they? Sometimes it feels like they are impossible to break.  In fact, there are times when we even want to convince ourselves that we cannot change and that Jesus understands our weakness. Wrong!  He understands and then gently reminds me that “In Him the power of…Continue Reading

Sharing An Insight – Lesson 5

A commandment brings to mind –  “I should.  I must.  I ought to.  I have to.”   A call suggests – “Yes, I want to.  I’m coming.  I will” “HIS CALL” by my friend, Kathy Lewis             Yours is the voice, Lord Jesus, I would hear far above all,            …Continue Reading

Sharing An Insight – Lesson 4

It’s one of the most amazing ideas known to man – that God, who is rich in mercy, would make you and me alive with Christ even when we were without life (dead) because of our sin. It is by His grace, and His grace alone, that He would even want to reach down to…Continue Reading

Sharing An Insight – Lesson 3

“They were ordinary men who had been with Jesus.”  Did you catch that phrase in Acts 4: 13?  It was an act of kindness that caught the attention of their accusers, but Peter didn’t let their critical and judgmental attitude stop him from boldly speaking the truth.  In fact, he didn’t let their threats or…Continue Reading

The New Message – Intro Lesson 3 – January 23 – 30

When you think of a great preacher, who comes to your mind?  What makes him outstanding and effective in your mind?  Is it his skill in the delivery, his content, his illustrations or something else?  Would you agree that preachers are often really good teachers, but skilled teachers are rarely thought of as preachers?  While…Continue Reading

Sharing An Insight – Lesson 2

When is the last time you held a newborn baby? They’re so little, so fragile, and yet so unbelievably complete. As you gaze at their tiny fingers and toes and admire the way that God has formed this new life, your heart and mind fill up with emotion and delight. The potential that rests quietly…Continue Reading