Author Archives: Marilyn

“Trust HIS Heart” –

Have you found that songs often bring truths into your heart in a way that the spoken word or written word cannot do. It happened to me this week at a memorial service for a good friend. The phrases have echoed in my mind for the last few days and have helped explain to me…Continue Reading

Unopened Gifts – Lesson 2 Insight

While a package may be beautifully wrapped, the external wrapping is not the point of the gift. The giver is usually far more interested in watching as the gift is opened and the present itself is admired and then used. It makes me wonder why it is so easy to talk about God’s gifts to…Continue Reading

WAITING – It’s All About HIM, not Me – Intro Lesson 2 – Sept. 25 – Oct. 2

What would you say are your biggest worries? Are there concerns that plague your mind in the middle of the night or keep you from focusing well on your work? Surveys generally agree that the most common worries of Americans include getting old, financial issues and the future, fitness and weight, relational issues, and fatigue…Continue Reading

W . a . i . t . i . n . g . – Lesson 1 Insight

WAITING.  Waiting.  W..a..i..t..i..n..g.  While it may appear to be a time of inactivity, in reality it is a time that is often mentally and emotionally charged.  In fact, the unknowns and the insecurity that can accompany both short and prolonged periods of waiting can drain energy and play havoc with our ability to focus and be…Continue Reading


How many times a day is your patience and endurance tested because you have to wait? Sometimes it is simply for a few minutes because of roadwork or traffic, unexpected lines or some sort of emergency, but at other times the delay causes a much greater disappointment or even a crisis in your life. Your…Continue Reading


What kind of a driver are you? Some people slow down when the light is changing to yellow. They do not risk being in the intersection when it might be unsafe. Other people speed up even though the light is about to turn red, so that they will not experience any more delays in their…Continue Reading


Have you ever wondered what the phrase “wait on the Lord” really means?  Wait for what?  Why wait? What is it all about?  You are invited to participate in our new fall Bible study – on your own or with a small group – as we explore this idea.  It will be well worth your…Continue Reading


A study of what it means to “Wait on the LORD” To View or Print Study Guides How many times a day is your patience and endurance tested because you have to wait? Sometimes it is simply for a few minutes because of roadwork or traffic, unexpected lines or some sort of emergency, but at…Continue Reading