Author Archives: Marilyn

WAITING with peace – Intro Lesson 8 – Nov. 6 – 13

Would you agree that being “open-minded” and “tolerant” are character traits that are highly admired these days? No one wants to be labeled as opinionated or politically incorrect. The result is that if you have strong beliefs about life, truth, or morals, either you may have to keep them to yourself or run the risk…Continue Reading

Good Advice – An Insight from Lesson 7

Here are 6 things that I think Elijah might say to me. 1 –  Remember to pray. 2 –  Listen for God’s voice in surprising places. 3 – Be willing to take some risks. 4 – Don’t hesitate to confront evil. 5 – No solo pity parties allowed. 6 – God has more adventures yet…Continue Reading

Why So Impatient? – An Insight from Lesson 6

Have you asked yourself where impatience comes from?  It occurred to me that almost always it revolves around selfishness.  When the temptation comes to feel irritated, anxious or grumpy because of unexpected circumstances or delays, the reason is that it interferes with MY plans, My expectations, MY schedule. When the irritation and annoyance is caused…Continue Reading

WAITING – with patience – Intro Lesson 6 – Oct. 23 – 30

It seems like the words “waiting” and “patience” have an inextricable bond. A person can wait without patience, of course, but it then becomes a miserable experience and time seems to move even more slowly. Often grumbling, complaining, and frustration are both inwardly felt and outwardly expressed when someone cannot find the strength to be…Continue Reading

HOLD ON – Sharing an Insight – Lesson 5

It has been wisely said, “Never think that God’s delays are God’s denials. Hold on; hold fast; hold out.” That’s often what courage really means. Hold on – believe that what God has promised will always come to pass. Hold fast – no questions, no doubts, no wavering. Hold out – join Joshua and say to…Continue Reading

“Trust HIS Heart” –

Have you found that songs often bring truths into your heart in a way that the spoken word or written word cannot do. It happened to me this week at a memorial service for a good friend. The phrases have echoed in my mind for the last few days and have helped explain to me…Continue Reading