Author Archives: Marilyn

Through Experiencing Loss and Suffering – Introduction Lesson 5 – May 14 – 21

GRIEF – it’s a complicated human experience, isn’t it?  There is no immunity shot to prevent it or lessen its impact on the body, mind and spirit.  How would you define it?  The dictionary says it is, “intense mental anguish, deep remorse, acute sorrow”.  To grieve is “to be sorrowful to lament, mourn”.  Whether the…Continue Reading

Through Understanding God’s Compassion – Intro Lesson 4 – May 7 – 14

What would you say is the difference between sympathy, empathy and compassion?  Perhaps it will help to clarify the differences between them if you think of individuals who exemplify each of them.  While these words are closely related, they are not synonymous with one another. Sympathy means you can understand what the person is feeling. Empathy means that you feel what…Continue Reading

GET READY . . . GET SET . . .

Want to get a head start on our new 7 week series – “Finding Joy and Delight in the Lord?  I would urge you to read Psalm 92 every day this week.  This Psalm, which is the only one that is designated as “A song to be sung on the Sabbath” was obviously written so…Continue Reading


What brings you joy and delight these days? What or who fills your soul with life and satisfies those inner longings? You are invited to join with us as we look at 7 different opportunities through which Jesus invites us to see Him, to experience His beauty and love, and to find our joy and…Continue Reading