Author Archives: Marilyn

IT’S HOW YOU SAY IT! – Lesson 5 – February 9 – 16

Do you remember the age-old adage, “It’s not what you said, but how you said it that really matters”?  Researchers agree that somewhere between 35 and 40% of our communication is not through the words we use but through the tone, inflection and speed of our voices.  Every child knows the difference between hearing his/her…Continue Reading

WHAT IS COMPASSION? – Lesson 4 – February 2 – 9

Remember Winnie the Pooh and his friend Eeyore?  One day Pooh Bear was walking along the riverbank and noticed Eeyore, his stuffed donkey friend, was floating downstream on his back and obviously troubled about the possibility he might drown.  So Pooh asked Eeyore if he had fallen in.  Eeyore, trying to appear to be in…Continue Reading

WHAT’S THE BIG PICTURE? – Intro to Winter Study

Have you ever taken a helicopter ride over your home area?  It would certainly change your perspective on the setting and details of your neighborhood, wouldn’t it?   You would be able to see the amount of open space, the variety of roofs and garden areas, as well as the size of your own property compared…Continue Reading


How much time do you spend listening audibly to the voices of other people each day?  If you add up the minutes you listen to other people on the radio, TV, podcasts and any other media, along with your personal conversations, it just might surprise you.  Not all of our “listening”, however, comes through our…Continue Reading


How many questions do you think you ask in a day? Young children ask questions, lots of questions, don’t they? Some experts agree most 4 year old probably ask close to 450 questions a day. By the time they become teenagers, however, parents and teachers sometimes wish there would be more questions. Is is also…Continue Reading


Discovering His Conversations in the Gospel by Mark To View or Print Study Guides What comes to your mind when you hear someone say, “thanks for spending time with me”?  Usually it would indicate two or more people have engaged in a good, helpful or interesting conversation.  It is  through verbal exchange we build relationships,…Continue Reading