What would it take for you to actually sit down for one hour a week to explore what the Bible really says?

  1. You would have to make the decision to actually do it.
  2. You would need to choose what you wanted to study.
  3. You would want to find a time when there were very few distractions.
  4. You would need to print out the lessons or use them on line.
  5. You would have to get a Bible or two, a pen or pencil and some paper.
  6. Then you would simply decide to do it. In other words, you would make it a priority!

 Need some encouragement? That’s what we want to do for you.

  1. It is easy to print out the study guides –
  2. We will post an introduction to the lesson every Friday to help you get started.  (You can have these sent directly to your e-mail address by subscribing.)
  1. On Tuesdays, there will be a more personal insight from the lesson that week.
  2. You can share with us an idea or question that you have by responding to the post.
  3. You can use the social media icons to send on the post to friends through e-mail, Facebook, etc.

 NOW IS THE TIME! Good intentions and procrastination simply do not make for progress in your faith journey.

We would love to have you with us on this faith building adventure for the next 12 weeks.


One Response to NOW IS THE TIME . . .

  1. I have been fairly consistent with the daily reading of my One Year Bible, however, I do this at night when I am tired. I have been convicted to improve my study habits and work them into a routine of starting my day off with God. Now is the time!

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