WELCOME to our internet Bible study! We’re here to give you a convenient and easy tool to assist you in studying the Bible for yourself week by week. Because of busy schedules and other difficulties, many of us can not attend a group regularly, so we trust that participating in this study will give you an incentive to regularly take time to meditate on “God’s love letter to you” and to discover His truth about living life with His joy and peace. God will meet you and transform you in significant ways as you meditate on His Word!
What do you think about when you hear the word “delight”? The Psalmist challenges us to find our extreme satisfaction and pleasure in God. You are invited to join us this Spring as we discover what this really means and various ways to help us find our joy and contentment in Him above all else.
You can view or print the study guides and then begin the study on your own or with your small group any time. Introductions to the weekly lessons will be posted or sent via e-mail to those who subscribe, beginning Thursday, April 24, 2025.
We are looking forward to meeting you through your comments, insights and questions as you share them with us. Simply read the introduction for that week’s lesson by clicking on that “post” on the westudytogether.com – “current study” page or by subscribing to have them mailed directly to your e-mail address each Thursday. When God touches your heart in some way or you make a discovery that will encourage others, simply type in your comment or reply to the comment someone else has made.
Not the study you were wanting for this fall? Check out a long list of other ones under “Past Studies”.
There is nothing that can compare to your own discoveries as the Holy Spirit teaches you directly from The Word of God. The insights, applications, and background information which books, sermons, and daily devotionals give us are helpful and inspirational, but the Bible was written so that you personally can discover who God is and why Jesus came to show His love to you and to me. What you will find out as you spend time considering the truth presented in Scripture is that the Holy Spirit will “open the eyes” of your mind and heart and will enable you to see for yourself what He wants you to understand and to integrate in to your life. It will be an exciting and challenging journey for you. Taking it with others will broaden your experience in surprising ways!
By the way, you might want to join our Facebook Group – “We Study Together“.
There are three people at Twin Lakes Church in Aptos, California, who have come together to make this opportunity happen. Marilyn has written the studies and will be writing the weekly introductions and insight for each lesson. Dan Dawson is the IT mastermind and a very key person when it comes to the technical side of this website/blog. Gina is the one who will make sure that all of the details are managed and will be there for the rest of us whenever we need her. (For more information go to tlc.org or Women-in-the-Word.com websites.)