Our new summer Bible study series, BE STRONG and VERY COURAGEOUS, will begin officially in just 18 days – June 14.
You can join us in one of 2 ways:
1) By doing the study each week. Follow Joshua’s advice and “Do not let this Book of the Law depart from you, meditate on it day and night . . .(Joshua 1: 8)
2) Read the “intros and insights” and be reminded of truths from this book.
Want to get a head start? Simply read the entire book of Joshua in the next 2 weeks in order to get the big picture of his life and his challenges.
Here are a few little tidbits:
1. Joshua’s name means “The Lord Saves” or “The Lord is Deliverance”.
2. His name is first mentionned in the book of Exodus 17. Check out his assignment.