Lesson 6 – Introduction – July 22 – 29 Philippians 2: 12 – 30

If someone asked you to explain one of the major differences between Christianity and other religions, what ideas would come to your mind?  It’s a big question, isn’t it?  And the answers are multiple, but Paul touches on one of the most important ones when he says to the Philippians, “continue to work out your salvation with fear and trembling”.  There’s a huge difference between working out your salvation and working for your salvation.

The burden of being good enough to earn salvation and of being sufficiently obedient to certain laws and regulations in order to receive an eternal reward weighs heavily on the adherents of religions around the world.  In fact, it is the driving force that keeps people committed to their particular belief system.  Their fear and insecurity forces the adherents to try hard, but never allows them the joy of knowing that their god(s) is (are) pleased with their efforts.  It keeps them in bondage to whatever the particular guidelines are for their theology.

The contrast is huge, isn’t it?   Jesus humbled Himself and came to this earth.  He died in your place and your salvation is a gift from Him to you.  There is nothing that you can do to earn it – Ephesians 2: 8 – 10.  What you can do is to receive it with thanksgiving and joy because that makes you a child of God with an eternal inheritance.  And in the meantime, you have the Holy Spirit who dwells within you so that you can learn to think and to do the things that please your Father who is in heaven and His Son, Jesus.  It is not a burden and it is not bondage.  It brings the possibility of contentment and joy and the presence of God to comfort and strengthen you until the day comes when you will see Him face to face.  Remember what Paul said about this in chapter 1?

So “let your light shine”, my friends.  What do you think that might mean for you?

4 Responses to Lesson 6 – Introduction – July 22 – 29 Philippians 2: 12 – 30

  1. Wow! “Let your light shine”.
    Philippeans 2:14, Do everything without complaining and arguing. Is that difficult or what? I have found myself getting upset about someone else complaining and then I would start arguing about it! Thanks to God, I am more aware and with the help of the Holy Spirit, I am now able to control my reactions to a response instead. What sticks in my mind is “Actions speak louder than words.” Knowing what pleases God and doing what pleases God for the Glory of God is “Letting my light shine”.

  2. This little light of mine,
    I’m gonna let it shine
    This little light of mine,
    I’m gonna let it shine
    This little light of mine,
    I’m gonna let it shine
    Let it shine,
    Let it shine,
    Let it shine.

    Don’t let Satan blow it out,
    I’m gonna let it shine
    Don’t let Satan blow it out,
    I’m gonna let it shine
    Don’t let Satan blow it out,
    I’m gonna let it shine
    Let it shine,
    Let it shine,
    Let it shine.

  3. Recently I moved from an apartment that had no sun and very little light. I knew it was dreary but didn’t realize what a difference the sunlight meant until I moved into my present small by cheery apartment. The shift in my mood has been tremendous. Even the cat sunbathes in the window every day.
    It seems like this could be a metaphor for God’s light. We thrive in His light…and shrivel without it.

    There are so many bible verses that mention light. Among my favorites is John 8:12.
    “When Jesus spoke again to the people, he said “I am the light of the world. Whoever follows me will never walk in darkness, but will have the light of life”
    The study notes say that Jesus spoke these words in the part of the temple filled with burning candles. This candlelight was supposed to symbolize the pillar of fire that led the people of Israel through the dessert. It represented God’s presence, protection, guidance.

    It’s my joy and comfort to have God’s presence in my life. My hope is that the light from Him may help me to serve Him and others….to always make my self available for whatever He wants of me.
    Oh Lord grant me the wisdom to let your light shine through me.

  4. “Letting my light shine” – what this means to me is smiling or saying hello to someone even when I don’t necessarily feel like doing that. Helping/serving others, not for my own self, but to show Jesus to others. Being patient and kind when it’s difficult to do to those I feel may not deserve it. Offering forgiveness to others and letting it go. Most of these take lots of practice for me to do on a regular basis. I also think about Jesus and his kindness, forgiveness, compassion, patience….was something he showed all the time towards all kinds of people. Did he think about it first? Nope. So inorder for me to shine the light of Jesus to others, takes daily practice and changing my thoughts as well. Jesus is the light of the world and by following him I too choose to shine that light.

    Thank you, ladies for your comments and insights.

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