Category Archives: Lessons

Bible studies and lessons

Do You Agree? – An Insight for Lesson 12

“The war between God’s will and your own will has not yet ended. The desire for God to exercise His power to deliver your personal dreams is not yet gone. The temptation to think that you know better still has the power to capture you. So ask Him to rescue you from you. Pray for…Continue Reading

THE PROBLEM WITH SELF-CONFIDENCE – Intro to Lesson 12 – March 31 – April 7

Would you agree that self-confidence is a highly valued trait in our culture? Who comes to your mind when you think of someone who displays this characteristic? A self-confident person trusts his own capabilities and usually has the courage to move ahead even when the outcome is not completely predictable. People who feel self-assured often…Continue Reading

Be On Guard! – An Insight for Lesson 11

Sometimes we hear a sermon that is focused on the second coming of Jesus and certainly we often think about the wonders and glory of heaven and our gift of eternal life, but rarely do we think about the “end times”. The way that the prophets and Gospel writers describe those days are frightening, aren’t…Continue Reading

Above All Else – An Insight for Lesson 10

“Love for others really begins, continues, and is daily motivated by love for God. When His purposes are more important than my desires, when His glory is more valuable to me than my temporary moments of glory, and when His agenda activates me more than my own plan for myself, I will be freed from…Continue Reading

A Very Key Question – An Insight for Lesson 8

It’s a searching question. It’s sounds the same in every language and at every stage of life. It was a great question when Jesus first spoke it to a blind beggar, one who others thought annoying and probably hopeless. It is still a question that we can ponder throughout our days. Here it is –…Continue Reading