Category Archives: Lessons

Bible studies and lessons

GOD’S PROMISE of HIS PRESENCE – Intro Lesson 6 – Oct. 25 – Nov. 1

Remember the times when you were growing up that two leaders would each begin to choose their team members?  The first team captain would pick someone and then the other one would take his/her turn.  Sometimes individuals were chosen because of a particular skill or talent.  At other times it was about friendship, popularity, or…Continue Reading

GOD’S PROMISE of PEACE – Intro Lesson 3 – Oct. 4 – 11

In what settings do you find that worship comes most spontaneously and meaningfully to your heart and your mind?  Do you think that worship and praise are synonymous?  How would you differentiate between them?  The dictionary describes worship as “giving worth to something” while praise is “an expression of warm approval or admiration, strong commendation.”…Continue Reading


What would you say is the difference between a treasure hunt and a scavenger hunt?  A treasure hunt suggests that the participants are given a series of riddles or clues that will eventually lead to the discovery of a treasure or something of value.  In a scavenger hunt the teams or individuals are given a…Continue Reading


When is the last time that you had a very strong conviction about an idea or an activity but it felt like no one else wanted to listen to you or to believe you?  Your opinion might have been based on your own valid experience, simply intuition, or perhaps it was something that you had…Continue Reading