The speed and intensity of the changes that are occurring in our world today are the subject of many books and discussions, aren’t they?  It is also true that some historians would argue that for centuries every generation has felt that change was happening at a much greater rate than ever before. The perception of unprecedented change often causes people to feel stressed and overwhelmed.  It causes them to inwardly sense the need to hurry, to adapt, to keep up with the pace of life in some undefined way.  Would you say there are innovations, discoveries, new expectations or unexpected events that cause you to long for a time of stability and predictability?  Do any of those things ever make you wonder how you will be able to cope with the challenges of ever-changing circumstances and information coming your way?

It can be helpful to realize you are not alone in your quandary.  As the Israelites left their slavery in Egypt, all of life changed. Moses had to remind them on more than one occasion that God, who had come to their rescue would always and consistently provide for all their needs.  David, in his most frightening moments as he fled from his enemies, wrote in the psalms that he knew God would never leave him or forsake him.  As Jeremiah, virtually alone in Jerusalem, lamented the horrific price that the Israelites had paid because of their sin and rebellion against God, he found the only comfort that existed was in the unchangeable love and compassion of the Lord.  Paul and the other New Testament writers often focused on the reality that “Jesus Christ is the same yesterday, today and forever” – Hebrews 13: 8.

The writer of the well-loved hymn, “Great is Thy Faithfulness” expresses so well the delight that he finds because of the Lord’s commitment to His children, as he says, “There is no shadow of turning with Thee.  Thou changest not; Thy compassions they fail not.  As Thou hast been Thou forever will be.”  Then in verse 3 he reminds us that pardon for sin, a peace that endures  and His very own presence to cheer and to guide us, as well as strength for today and bright hope for tomorrow are all some of the blessings that we have been given through our Savior, Jesus.  What is to stop you from taking delight in HIM as you ponder His everlasting faithfulness?

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