Author Archives: Marilyn

Sharing An Insight – Lesson 5

“Indescribable, uncontainable, all powerful, untamable.  Awestruck we fall to our knees as we humbly proclaim, ‘You are amazing, God.’  You know my heart and You love me the same.  You are amazing, God.”  Chris Tomlin expressed so vividly, as he penned his song, just what it means to “fear God”, didn’t he?  Isn’t it good…Continue Reading

Insight from the life of Moses – Lesson 5 – October 10 – 17

A famous old saying goes “actions speak louder than words.”  Have you ever heard it said like this?  “Characterize people by their actions and you will never be fooled by their words.”  These truisms have been passed down through many generations and are no doubt easily translated into similar sayings around the world.  We all…Continue Reading

Sharing An Insight – Lesson 4

Isn’t it interesting that the phrase “those whose hope is in the Lord’s unfailing love,” is parallel with “those who fear Him”?  (Psalm 33)  Perhaps the greatest external evidence that someone really is a God-fearing person is their ability to remain hopeful in spite of their circumstances.  They remain convinced that “God’s eyes are on…Continue Reading

Insight from Abraham, Joseph and the Midwives – Lesson 4 – October 3 – 10

Did you know that “Yirah”, a Hebrew word that is usually translated “fear”, is considered to be “the principal religious Biblical virtue, according to Abraham Heschel, a leading Jewish theologian of the 20th century?  He suggested in his writings that this word had two meanings: fear and awe.  “Fear is the anticipation and expectation of…Continue Reading

Sharing An Insight – Lesson 3

How do you measure progress in your journey of faith?  How do you know if your feeling of delight and wonder is increasing?  How can you tell if you really know what it is to “fear the Lord”?  Paul told the Corinthians that “when we stand in awe of the one true God, we no longer show regard for people…Continue Reading

Our sincere apologies

Someone has hacked in to our “we study together” website and played havoc with the it.  Hopefully it will be fixed and usable again soon. If you were hoping to print out the study guides for this fall series, “AWESTRUCK – By An Awesome God”, you can go to and find the exact same lessons.…Continue Reading

Sharing an Insight – Lesson 2

It’s not easy to put into one concise sentence the many ideas encapsulated in the words “to fear God”.  Your definition may look quite different than mine and we could both be totally correct.  For today, here is my summary and my prayer:  “To fear God means to bow down throughout every day in humility,…Continue Reading

Sharing an Insight – Lesson 1 –

Don’t you love it when you read a book or hear a sermon and you suddenly grasp on to a new way of looking at a specific idea?   A light came on for me this week as I read, “I Give You Glory, O God,” by Jerry Bridges.  He equated the words, delight and enjoy,…Continue Reading