Author Archives: Marilyn

Finding Contentment – Lesson 4

Would you agree that joy and contentment are almost inseparable?  It’s really impossible to have one without the other, isn’t it?  Perhaps one of them does come before the other, however, and that may be why Paul wants his readers to grasp how very important it is to understand that true contentment (not passivity or…Continue Reading

Looking for a Guide? – Lesson 3

Planning ahead. Knowing the details. Looking at the map. Making lists. Being prepared and forewarned. It’s the way I am wired. While the old saying, “the best laid plans of mice and men often go awry”, isn’t exactly found in the Bible, we do know that we have absolutely no real control of the things…Continue Reading

Need Some Peace? – Lesson 2

THE GIFT of PEACE Pretending is a temptation which none of us can totally avoid. It’s a skill that is enormously helpful to young children as they experiment with various adult roles and skills. In a way, it’s a talent that enables those on stage to portray the personality and experiences of another person. But…Continue Reading

The Promise of PEACE – Intro to Lesson 2 – June 26 – July 3

Did you know that more Americans seek medical treatment for anxiety than for back pain or migraine headaches, according to the American Psychological Association? In fact, statistics indicate that the number of people experiencing stress-related physical symptoms, including panic attacks and nervous breakdowns is increasing at an alarming rate.   Anxiety, according to the dictionary, “suggests…Continue Reading

What Do You Need? – Lesson 1

“I just don’t have what it takes!”  Have you ever expressed that kind of sentiment to a friend or at least felt like it was the reality that you were experiencing at that time?  Perhaps there are occasions when that kind of honesty is actually a helpful appraisal of your skill level or competence, but more often it…Continue Reading

What Do You Need Today?

Is it a sense of peace?  It’s the opposite of agitation, worry, and anxiety. Is it some guidance?  Someone who can help you make wise choices and good decisions? Is it strength to meet the demands and challenges of life – emotionally, physically, or even spiritually? Or do you simply need to be reminded of God’s…Continue Reading

Your Invitation –

When God makes a promise, you can be absolutely positive that He will keep it! You are invited to join us in our new 8 week summer study, “Life Changing Promises”. We will uncover and explore some of the most life impacting promises that God has given to His children, to all those who will…Continue Reading