Author Archives: Marilyn

As You Look Ahead – An Insight for Lesson 5

Who knows what the future holds no matter who wins the election?  Who can be sure that certain legislation will really make that big a difference in our economy or my security? The fact is that unless I choose to do what Abraham and the other patriarchs did so long ago, I am setting myself…Continue Reading

The Bottom Line – An Insight for Lesson 3

Really? It’s that easy? I don’t have to be famous, rich, intelligent, beautiful, or outstanding in some other way? Really? I can live a life that pleases God by simply “believing that He exists and that He rewards those who earnestly seek Him”? Sounds easy, doesn’t it? So that’s what I’m asking God to help…Continue Reading

ENOCH, A Man Who Pleased God- Introduction to Lesson 3 – Sept. 30 – Oct. 7

Do you like giving gifts? They can be gifts that you purchase or presents that cost you time, thought and/or energy rather than money. They can be wrapped with beautiful paper and ribbons or wrapped with thoughtfulness and affection for someone. We give gifts to express our love and admiration or perhaps our gratefulness or…Continue Reading