Author Archives: Marilyn

A Very Key Question – An Insight for Lesson 8

It’s a searching question. It’s sounds the same in every language and at every stage of life. It was a great question when Jesus first spoke it to a blind beggar, one who others thought annoying and probably hopeless. It is still a question that we can ponder throughout our days. Here it is –…Continue Reading

IF You Can. . . – An Insight for Lesson 7

It’s one of those polite phrases that we can almost say without thinking.  We use it when asking someone to do a favor for us. We say it when we doubt either someone’s availability or ability.   In an effort to be considerate of the strength or the schedule of another person, we easily tack it…Continue Reading

Don’t You Remember? – An Insight for Lesson 6

Feeling a bit discouraged or anxious these days? Experiencing some concerns or confusion about the future? It seems like everywhere you go people are focused on the stormy weather, the tumultuous political scene that we are presently experiencing in a profound way, or some more personal trauma. Where can you turn for answers and help?…Continue Reading

Slow Learners? – An Insight for Lesson 5

Fortunately Jesus was very patient with His early disciples! It took them a long time to grasp the reality of who Jesus truly was and the degree to which they could trust Him. “Send the people to get their own food” was their solution to the problem when Jesus was right there to perform a…Continue Reading

Storm Warning – An Insight for Lesson 4

Would you agree that sometimes the storms of life come in slowly and we can choose to prepare for their impact, but more often than not, they come in suddenly and unexpectedly? Sometimes God chooses to calm the storm quickly and we can recognize His hand of protection and mercy and respond with amazement and…Continue Reading