Author Archives: Marilyn


There are many ways to give people instructions, aren’t there? You can simply give an order or a command and if you have enough authority, the job might be completed. You can be vague about your desires and simply hope that the other person(s) will understand what you are really saying. You can offer rewards…Continue Reading


May the realities of the death of Jesus on the cross keep you aware of who you were – Alone, Lost, Hopeless and Condemned. May the truths of the resurrection of Jesus fill your mind and heart with gratitude – Loved, Accepted, Justified, Forgiven and Redeemed. May the joys of His ascension and the coming…Continue Reading

NEW STUDY for the month of May –

When someone invites you to help accomplish a goal by saying, “Let us . . .” or simply “Let’s”, the project immediately takes on vitality. Wouldn’t you like to discover how the writers of the letters in the New Testament encouraged and inspired their readers by using those exact words? You are invited to join…Continue Reading