THE PROMISE OF WISDOM – Intro Lesson 2 – June 21 – 28

It has been said “there is no guarantee that intellectual people will choose to act or speak wisely.’’  Would you agree there is not a strong connection between the ease and speed with which a person acquires new skills or knowledge and the ability or desire to use that God given strength for the right purposes?  Charles Spurgeon defined wisdom as “the right use of knowledge.”  He went on to say, “To know is not necessarily to be wise.  Many people know a great deal and are all the greater fools for it, but to know how to use knowledge is to have wisdom.”  The dictionary suggests that “wisdom is the ability to think and act using knowledge, experience, understanding, common sense and insight.”  Where would you say wisdom really comes from? Spending time with wise people, observing their habits, interests and priorities along with learning from your own experiences which come out of pain, unexpected challenges and various kinds of suffering are two of the most recommended ways to grow in wisdom.

James, in his letter, offers another option to the new believers to whom he writes a letter.  He suggests that asking God, Who is the ultimate source of true wisdom, to give you His insight and perspective is the best way to face complex trials and to become mature.  He wants them to understand that human wisdom is limited but that God desires to give His wisdom generously to those who are willing to ask.  In fact, God promises to give wisdom to anyone who asks and then believes He is able and eager to do this.

Where do you look for the wisdom you need to have when you are puzzled by life’s choices, confused by what others are telling you, find yourself unsure about how to respond to other people, or are facing various trials and temptations?

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