For centuries the Jews had been waiting for the Messiah, their Liberating King. God had made a covenant with King David and the prophets had foretold the coming of one who would renew the world and bring salvation to the ends of the earth. Some had acknowledged that Jesus truly was The One whom they had anticipated, while others remained in their stubborn disbelief. Even for those who followed Him, the question remained, “Why was He so reluctant to take His rightful place as a king and lead a revolution?” Why was He going to leave them? Why?
Little did they realize that “political might, brute force, and earthly governments are not helpful tools in a battle for hearts. Spiritual revolutions are subversive. They are led by defiant acts of love (e.g., healing, foot washing, and martyrdom). Laws do not change hearts, only faith in the redemptive work of the Gospel can accomplish that victory. So Jesus patiently comforted the ones who were closest to Him, knowing that one day soon they would understand. The Great Helper would make these truths real to them. (Concepts and quotes taken from The Voice, p.192)
It was true then and it is still true today. Jesus will come again and when He does He will establish His kingdom forever and forever. The victory will be His. This continues to be the joy and the hope for all those who know The Savior. His love endures forever!