Do You Have Any Visible Reminders? – An Insight for Lesson 4

Do you have any pictures or mottos hanging on your walls that remind you of the presence of the Lord or of some truth or promise from Scripture? Perhaps it is a special painting that portrays a Biblical story or an embroidered heirloom with a prayer or Bible verse on it? In our case, the front of our fireplace mantel is carved with the words, “Bless This House, O Lord, We Pray”.  In our bedroom there is a framed piece of embroidery that says, “Peace Be unto This House.” If you have a friend who worships in the Orthodox tradition, you would no doubt find many icons, representations of Jesus, saints or angels, scattered throughout the rooms of their home, reminding them visibly of the presence of the Lord. If the Israelites needed the huge tabernacle and wore an armband with special verses in order to be visibly reminded of God’s presence, maybe it would be helpful you and me too? What do you think? Do you have any visible reminders of God’s presence and promises that are helpful to you?


One Response to Do You Have Any Visible Reminders? – An Insight for Lesson 4

  1. I used to have many pictures and plaques with Jesus “face” and scriptures . One with the Serenity Prayer that was embroidered by a 90 year old woman. Most have been put away and replaced by pictures of family members. However, I think I still get those visible reminders on my computer with many scriptures and posts from people and Christian organizations.
    Even without that input, my mind is so saturated in the scripture and hymns and anthems of the church that are are constant reminder that the Lord seems to give me of His presence. They come to mind at all sorts of time, spontaneously.
    I am so thankful for my early “programming” It is an enduring source of encouragement to me.

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