Get Ready – What would it take for you to discover in a new and more intimate way just how much Jesus loves you? That is His desire for you and He will make it happen both in your mind and your heart as you spend time in His presence through the study of His love letter to you. What better season than this to open up yourself to Him and His love?
Get Set – Print out your 8 study guides so that you are ready to begin doing one lesson each week, beginning March 21. You can schedule a regular one hour “appointment” time each week or you can easily do it in smaller increments at your convenience. Be sure that you have subscribed to receive the weekly Introductions and Insights each week through your e-mail address (right-hand side bar – Home page).
Go – Begin now by asking God to reveal His incredible and amazing love for YOU through your study of His Word by His Holy Spirit.
Why not share this opportunity with some friends or your small group?