What are your thoughts? – Lesson 5 – El Olam

          Boundless energy”.  It’s another one of those superlative terms that we use to describe both children and adults.  If it is a child, then we often silently wish that the energy had some limits, but if it is a senior citizen, we generally have great admiration for that person.  It actually is a great description of our GOD, isn’t it?  His energy has no limits, no end, no possibility of diminishing.  As Isaiah said of EL OLAM, “He never grows weak or weary.  No one can measure the depths of His understanding.”  The contemporary song writer, Kristian Stanfill, reminds us, too, that, “God’s love never fails.  It never gives up.  It never runs out on me.  It’s higher than the mountains that I face.  It’s stronger than the power of the grave.  It’s constant in the trial and the change.  This one thing remains – The love of El Olam for you and me goes on and on and on and on.”


2 Responses to What are your thoughts? – Lesson 5 – El Olam

  1. As I read today the verses of El Olam, I had a visual picture come to mind of a small box, and the reality that my earthly life is contained in this minute closed box with limited space of time and energy, resources, with firm set boundaries. Surrounding this tiny box I envisioned this expansive limitless presence of God that filled every space and beyond, surrounding around as well as within the box. No boundaries in any direction. I imagined myself in this box completely engulfed and surrounded by God’s everlasting love and power, and like that picture of being nestled in HIS WINGS from Deuteronomy, I felt overwhelmed that He should care for me. I thought of how there must be something about our time here, and a purpose to these contained and finite moments. They are short and limited, and we must make use of these moments all the while keeping an eternal perspective, and remembering that God’s limitless power is and continues without ceasing to be so much more than we can even begin to comprehend.

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