What are you looking forward to doing or accomplishing this summer? For many there is a change of schedule, a vacation or perhaps an opportunity to travel or to enjoy a visit from a friend. For others the warmer weather and longer days seem like a good time to bring out the project list.
Why not plan now to include some regular Bible study time each week? The kind of study where you actually read some Bible verses and think about what God might want to communicate directly to you! Perhaps you would like to invite a friend to meet with you once a week and together you could think about one of God’s promises to you and pray together. It could be in person, by Skpe, through chatting, or even on your phone.
Our summer study is called “LIFE CHANGING PROMISES” – an 8 week study focused on God’s amazing promises. The introduction to the series will be posted (or sent to your e-mail address if you subscribe) on Friday, June 12, and the first lesson will begin on June 19. You are invited to join with us as we discover some of the life changing things that God has promised to give to you and to me.