Tag Archives: heroes


A study of the “Heroes of Faith” listed in Hebrews 11

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The opportunities for high adventure and adrenaline producing experiences are long and varied these days, aren’t they? You can walk across bridges made of rope high up in the redwood trees, fly over valleys on a zip line, climb walls of rocks, go up in hot air balloons, or hang glide out over the ocean. It takes more than a daring spirit to do most of these things. It takes a measure of faith! Perhaps it is better not to think too much about whether you can trust the harness, the expertise of the staff, and the various pieces of equipment that are meant to ensure your safety and well-being, but there is no doubt that you will not choose to take the risk unless you do believe that you will actually live to look back on the challenge and feel a measure of success and thrill.

What we believe to be true will always determine the amount of risk and adventure that we are willing to take.  Isn’t it interesting that the author of the book of Hebrews reminded his readers that faith is the kind of trust that not only believes that God exists but that He will accomplish amazing things for those who will put their confidence in His character and His Word? Hearing or reading the stories of ordinary people, whether in the past or in the present, who have exercised this kind of faith is not only an inspiration but an opportunity to see exactly how God does keep His promises always. Where did the faith of Abel or Noah or Joseph actually come from? What made Moses and Rahab willing to take risks and know that God was completely trustworthy?

You are invited to join us in this ten-week study of the people listed in the “Parade of Faith Heroes” in Hebrews 11. Each one of them lived out the reality that “faith is belief plus unbelief and then acted on the belief part without regard to the consequences”.  In doing this, they pleased God. What was true for them is just as true for you and me today! Are you willing to experience high adventure – with Jesus?

As you get to know these “heroes”, not because they were perfect or even extraordinary, but because they were ordinary men and women who made the choice to trust God and His promises to them even when they stood alone, may your own faith increase dramatically.