Tag Archives: Eternal God

THE ETERNAL GOD IS MY ROCK – Intro Lesson 2 – Sept. 18 – 25

Have you ever stayed in a cabin or house where marbles easily roll across the floor?   You might even have noticed in a building which is not level that it can be hard to hang a straight curtain rod or line up other features evenly.  There is a very good chance that these issues are caused by slight irregularities or mistakes in the foundation.  As the building goes up, these seemingly minor issues become greater because they demonstrate “compounding defects”.   While the layout and size of the rooms, the esthetics of the materials, the type of neighborhood, and certainly the cost influence both buyers and sellers of a home, the quality and strength of the foundation cannot be underestimated.

Would you agree that most people understand that the durability of any home is in many ways dependent on its foundation?  A question that seems even more crucial, however, is “what is the foundation that I have been or am building my life upon?”  What are the Ideas and beliefs that determine the stability and equilibrium that I experience?  What is the “cement” that undergirds me when there are storms or pressures that surround me?  David, the author of Psalm 18, expressed very clearly that the Lord was not only his strength but his ROCK.  God was the one who was unchangeable and eternal and the only one who was totally trustworthy.  The Lord was the  foundation for his life.

Remember what Jesus told the people just before He finished His “sermon on the mount”? (Matthew 5 – 7)  “Therefore everyone who hears these words of mine and puts them into practice is like a wise man who built his house on the rock.”  He goes on to tell them that if they would choose to build their foundation for life on that rock rather than on the sand, no storms or winds would blow it down.  The hymn writer says it so well, “On Christ, the solid Rock I stand.  All other ground is sinking sand.”  Do you agree?