Tag Archives: Easter

An Easter Blessing –

May the realities of the death of Jesus on the cross keep you aware of who you were –                                                            Alone, Lost, Hopeless, and Condemned

May the truths of the resurrection of Jesus fill your mind and heart with gratitude –                                                                    Loved, Justified, Forgiven, Redeemed, and Accepted

May the joys of HIs ascension and the presence of His Holy Spirit give you confidence –                                                              Joy, peace, courage, and strength

May the anticipation of His return allow you the freedom to live each day fully –                                                                          Serving, loving, caring, and extending His mercy and grace


Thanks for being a part of We Study Together.      Marilyn


UNBELIEVABLY GOOD NEWS – Intro to Bonus Lesson – April 14

Sometimes it feels like our world is filled with only bad news – crime, hatred, divorce, war, unemployment, earthquakes, persecution, scams and schemes, cheating, and hunger – causing many to feel apathetic, depressed and hopeless. Some people would say that the future looks grim both economically and politically. Others find the moral decay to be…Continue Reading