Tag Archives: doctrine


We are hoping that you are going to join us this winter and spring as “we study together” the amazing letter that is called ROMANS.  Did you realize that Marin Luther said, “It is worthy not only that every Christian should know it word for word, by heart, but also that he/she should be occupied with it every day, as daily bread of the soul?”

It is entirely up to you whether you decide to print out the study guides or to use them on line or to simply join with us as you read the weekly introductions and the chapter for the week, but please don’t miss out on this opportunity to invest some time week by week in what has been called “the most powerful human document that has ever been written.”  As Ray Stedman said, “It contains almost every Christian doctrine in some form, and is a panorama of the marvelous plan of God for the redemption of man.  It is the master key to all of the scriptures.”

Still debating whether you want to add this adventure to your busy schedule?  Here’s just one more quote for your consideration.  “I am continually amazed at the majesty of the message of the book of Romans. We move from one majestic theme to another and our minds and hearts and lives are lifted out of the triviality and banality of ordinary American life—especially as you find it on television and the media. Moving from American culture to the book of Romans is like moving from Buck Hill in Burnsville to Mount Everest in Nepal.”  John Piper

The study guides are under “Current Study” –  www.westudytogether.com     You can subscribe to receive the weekly intros and insights – right hand side bar.