Category Archives: Past Studies


An Opportunity to Study the Book of Romans

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It doesn’t really matter whether your adventure is a trip across the United States or around a country like Norway or even in Africa or the Far East, you will want to have a very complete guidebook.  You will need to study it as you plan your journey in order to know what to take, where to go, and what you need to understand before you leave.  You will also, no doubt, want to refer to it day by day as you travel, so that you will not miss out on anything that you might want to see, do or experience.  A good travel guide will also help you know what to avoid and give you handy tips for your safety, health, and general welfare.

It has been said that there is one book in the New Testament that is very much like an extraordinary guide book for the adventure of life, specifically your “journey of faith”.  It could be called both a “Survival Manual” and “The Way to Success”.  In this book, which is actually a letter written by Paul to the new believers in Rome, you can explore not only what God invites us to believe but also how He wants us to behave as we go through life.

You are invited to join us as we embark on a 14 week study of this guidebook for life, called Romans.  While this letter was written many centuries ago, the foundation of our beliefs and the instructions for our behavior are totally relevant for us today. I pray that as you study Romans, the truths that God will reveal to you will help you experience this journey of life with understanding, clarity, purpose and delight.


Exploring what it means to “fear God” or be a “God-fearing person” – To View or Print Study Guides When is the last time you felt the emotion called “awe”?  Was it a place, a person, an experience or something else that caused you to have an overwhelming feeling of reverence, admiration, or wonder as…Continue Reading


Exploring 5 Biblical analogies of what it means to live out your faith. To View or Print Study Guides Remember how much fun it was to play “Follow the Leader” when you were a young child?  You formed a line behind your teacher and then you got to do whatever she did with her arms…Continue Reading


Discovering how to “live out your faith” from the book of JAMES To View or Print Study Guides What would you say is the difference between giving someone a suggestion, some advice and an admonition?  To suggest, the dictionary says, is to express an idea for consideration or action.   To advise means to counsel or…Continue Reading


Discovering His Conversations in the Gospel by Mark To View or Print Study Guides What comes to your mind when you hear someone say, “thanks for spending time with me”?  Usually it would indicate two or more people have engaged in a good, helpful or interesting conversation.  It is  through verbal exchange we build relationships,…Continue Reading


A Bible study focused on the life of Joshua. To View or Print Study guides Where do you turn when you face unexpected changes or challenges?  How do you handle life when feelings of inadequacy or uncertainty creep into your mind and spirit?  What do you do when you sense that you are incompetent or…Continue Reading


A Bible Study focused on the Book of Philippians To view or print study guides Progress!  It’s a positive idea, isn’t it?  Setting a goal and then moving toward the realization of that dream or desire brings us satisfaction.  Sometimes progress is slow and we need many intermediate, short-term markers to help us know that…Continue Reading


To View or Print Study Guides If you were asked to describe a “wise person”, what would you say?  What is wisdom and from where does it come?  It is greater than knowledge or intelligence, isn’t it?  It is certainly more profound than advanced age or diversity of life experiences can guarantee.  One cannot buy…Continue Reading

WHAT DOES “HOPE” LOOK LIKE? – Introduction Lesson 2 – January 21 – 28

Who is your favorite character in the stories about Winnie-the-Pooh and his friends?  While most of us would likely name that friendly bear or Christopher Robin himself, there’s something about Eeyore that draws us to him, isn’t there?  Could it be that we identify with his outlook on life all too often?  On a scale…Continue Reading

“May the God of HOPE . . .”

To View or Print Study Guides Would you agree the word “hope” has an enormous range of meanings?  It can suggest anything from wishful thinking to an expectation that has a great degree of certainty.  For example, one might say, “I hope that my friend in India will be able to come and visit me…Continue Reading