Author Archives: Marilyn

Who Me? Clogged Arteries? – An Insight for Lesson 3

Perhaps you know first hand how serious the diagnosis of atherosclerosis really is. It means that the blood vessels that carry oxygen-rich blood to all parts of your body, including your heart, are becoming clogged. It’s actually life threatening if the proper medical advice is not heeded and treatment given. Perhaps that is similar to…Continue Reading

Too Busy? – An Insight for Lesson 1

There was a plaque on the wall of the church that I went to when I was a teenager. It made an impression on me then and sometimes the truth of its words still come back to me. Here they are: “There is always time to do ALL of God’s will when you do God’s…Continue Reading


This is your special invitation to join us as we explore the Gospel written by Mark, looking particularly at the questions that Jesus asked.  You’ll be amazed and inspired through the amazing discoveries that you will make about Jesus as you consider the people with whom He interacted and the way that He communicated His identity, HIs goals and…Continue Reading

What is Your Answer?

As 2016 comes to an end and we approach the opening days of a new year, would you say that “uncertainty” is a very common attitude among your family and friends? Most of the questions that we ask ourselves about the future are not the kind that have easy answers nor are we actually looking…Continue Reading

Why Ask Questions?

How many questions do you think you ask in a day? Young children ask questions, lots of questions, don’t they? Some experts agree that most 4 year olds probably ask close to 450 questions a day. By the time they become teenagers, however, parents and teachers sometimes wish that there would be more questions. It…Continue Reading