Author Archives: Marilyn

THE POWER OF A STORY – Intro to Lesson 5 – Febrary 8 – 15

Everyone loves to hear a story, don’t they?  In fact, a well told story captures the attention of people of all ages and stages.  Throughout the centuries, stories have been a means of communicating information, of passing on traditions and cultural values, and to simply entertain others through both factual and imaginative ideas.  Stories can…Continue Reading

WHO IS IN YOUR FAMILY TREE? – Intro Lesson 1 – January 11 – 18

How much do you know about your family tree?  Have you invested in the websites that offer you all kinds of information about your identity and ethnicity? In our American culture this kind of information can be interesting, sometimes helpful, and certainly informative, but very little of your future depends on who your great-grandfather or…Continue Reading


Have you ever noticed that getting started is sometimes the most arduous part of a task?  Just getting the sponge or hammer or vacuum out of the closet can be the excuse to delay doing the work.  At other times it is simply getting out of the chair and making the decision that “now is…Continue Reading


Aren’t you thankful that God didn’t simply sit back and think about doing something to fix the broken connection that began back in the Garden of Eden?  He didn’t look at the disconnect between Himself and the human race and wonder if He should, could, ought to or try to do something to make it…Continue Reading


An opportunity to focus on what Jesus had to say as recorded in Matthew’s Gospel – To View or Print Study Guides Would you agree that words are “singularly the most powerful force available to humanity”? What a person says, along with how it is said, can heal or hurt, can build up or destroy,…Continue Reading