Author Archives: Marilyn

THE VICTORIOUS GOD IS MY SHIELD – Introduction for Lesson 6 – October 16 – 23

Do you have a “family crest” or as it more formally described “a coat of arms family crest”?  For centuries  throughout the world, families, royalty and even countries and territories were recognized by the symbols which were on their coat of arms.  In fact, there were usually people, whose profession was called heraldry, who managed…Continue Reading

THE ALMIGHTY GOD is MY STRENGTH – Introduction – Lesson 1 – Sept. 11 – 18

Are you by any chance feeling lonely or weak, discouraged or afraid? Perhaps you are feeling over-whelmed by an unexpected turn of events or the restrictions of this Covid pandemic.  Maybe you are experiencing health problems, family issues or misunderstandings with your boss or a co-worker? Do you know anyone who cannot identify with these…Continue Reading


Some of the most poignant writing that people do is often written in the final years of their life. It is frequently very reflective and introspective. It might be centered on cherished memories or relationships or on recalling special events or major turning points. There might be some advice or counsel or choice morsels of…Continue Reading

What Does It Mean to “Ponder”?

It’s a very old-fashioned word, isn’t it?  In spite of that, you probably have a good idea of what it means and can think of several synonyms for it.  Here are a few – meditate, deliberate, reflect, consider.  The dictionary suggests that it means “to think deeply about something” or “to think with painstaking care and…Continue Reading