Do you agree that “what we think determines how we behave”? Are your actions really the result of the things that you believe to be true or your circumstances? Is your mind the control center of what comes out of your mouth and how you act?
Before you begin this new study, you might want to take some time to make a descriptive list of the values that were deeply embedded in the mind of Jesus when He walked this earth and as He faced His destiny. For a start, let me suggest 3 things. His mind was filled with love for mankind. He knew that obedience to His Father’s desires and will was His ultimate desire. He believed that being a servant was the path to joy. What would you add to this list? How does it compare to the values by which you live?
There is still time to print out your study guides for the new Spring study – or simply use them on line at your convenience. The introduction to lesson 1 will be posted on Friday, April 15. Be sure to invite your friends to join you in this Bible study. They will be so glad that you did!